
推荐全球十大博彩公司排行榜博士研究学院提供医疗保健从业者博士学位推荐全球十大博彩公司排行榜, education, and business, 并支持由其内部开发的学者-从业者-领导者指导的终身职业学习哲学SM learning model. 自2020年1月以来,该学院的保留率增长了约10%. In the same time period, student sentiment scores with dissertation experience were 81% positive, mixed or neutral.

“博士研究学院使用SPL模式来指导我们的推荐全球十大博彩公司排行榜和学生体验,” shares Hinrich Eylers, Ph.D., P.E., vice provost and dean of College of Doctoral Studies. “We serve working adults who are already practitioners in their fields, SPL模式通过帮助学生批判性地思考他们如何在工作场所和职业道路上做出贡献,从而赋予学生权力.”

While a more traditional Ph.D. degree program focuses on development of new primary knowledge, 学院的从业者博士学位侧重于将这些知识在个人职业生涯和实践社区中的实际应用. The Scholar-Practitioner-LeaderSM 框架结合了博士奖学金的经典认知概念-包括高度严谨的调查, academic study, and practical application – with the affective domains of learning.

这种学习模式支持在职的成年学生有机会发展对自己是谁的更深层次的认识, how their learning is changing them, 并运用现有的知识来解决他们所在领域和社区的现实问题.

推荐全球十大博彩公司排行榜的博士项目吸引了我的注意,因为推荐全球十大博彩公司排行榜和学者的严谨性, Leader, Practitioner (SLP) Model which guides the learning journey, 以及高度参与的在线学习解决方案,让我可以随时随地工作和学习,” shares Susanne Thompson, Ed.D., who completed her doctor of education with the University. “Doctoral level research is a challenging endeavor. (博士研究)学院为这一过程搭建了脚手架,以确保与科学研究的最佳实践保持一致,同时也使这一过程清晰,以确保学生能够掌握科学研究并将这些实践应用到他们的工作环境中.”

Formerly known as School of Advanced Studies, the College of Doctoral Studies first developed the Scholar-Practitioner-LeaderSM 模式,作为其使命的一部分,以培养毕业生的心态,专注于职业和社区的实践. 成功毕业于博士研究学院,是学者、实践者和领导者SM learning model is a scholar, a curious, reflective thinker; a practitioner in their field, capable of responding quickly to emerging opportunities and diagnosing and addressing immediate and local problems; and a leader, driving innovation and creating new products and processes, ultimately advancing their community of practice.

“Success is all about consistent practice and grit, 这种实践是我们的SPL(学习模式)全身心投入的,” shares Gina Rhodes, DHA, MBA. 罗兹在推荐全球十大博彩公司排行榜的博士研究学院完成了她的健康管理博士学位. “在医疗保健行业工作、开发五个孩子的个人和学术潜力的同时,在博士研究的挑战中生存下来,需要勇气和坚韧. Now as an empty nester, 通过帮助重组一家免费医疗诊所,我对社区产生了积极的影响. 我也是一个终身学习者,目前正在攻读博士水平的战略公式和商业战略思维推荐全球十大博彩公司排行榜.” 

Additionally, 三个学院的研究中心通过建立一个活跃的, research-oriented forum for students and faculty, 并为教师和学生提供一个在实践中合作的途径, real world research. 这三个研究中心分别是教育和教学技术研究中心, Center for Leadership Studies and Educational Research, and Center for Workplace Diversity and Inclusion Research.

About the College of Doctoral Studies

University of Phoenix’s College of Doctoral Studies focuses on today’s challenging business and organizational needs, 从解决关键的社会问题到制定解决方案,以加速社区建设和行业发展. 学院的研究项目将学生置于一个有效的专家生态系统的中心, resources and tools to help prepare them to be a leader in their organization, industry and community. Through this program, 学生和研究人员与组织合作进行研究,这些研究可以实时应用于工作场所.

About University of Phoenix

推荐全球十大博彩公司排行榜不断创新,帮助在职成年人在快速变化的世界中提升他们的职业生涯. Flexible schedules, relevant courses, interactive learning, 和职业生涯服务®帮助学生更有效地追求事业和个人的愿望,同时平衡他们忙碌的生活. For more information, visit shootapp.net